An Overview of the Monomyth

Origins + Adaptations

Writer and mythologist Joseph Campbell wrote about the monomyth in his seminal work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, citing that many of our stories passed down throughout time follow a common narrative structure. Since its publication in 1949, Campbell’s seventeen stages within the monomyth have been identified in myriad works ranging in diversity from Homer’s Odyssey to Star Wars.



The monomyth charts the journey of the epic hero in a progression of seventeen stages broken into three acts – the departure, the initiation, and the return to the ordinary world.


Emphasizing the ubiquity of the call to adventure, the monomyth has been mapped to such diverse applications as storytelling, film and psychotherapy.
Applying the Framework

Monomyth Online

Adapting the monomyth structure to the online learning environment affords myriad opportunities to bolster student autonomy and engagement.  Explore the three areas of the monomyth online to learn more about its application.


Learn about the hero roles present in the online learning environment


Explore the ways that heroes can carve paths through the online experience


Discover effective practices that support the application of the monomyth online

Ready to apply the monomyth to your online work? Download one of our framework templates.


From frameworks to use cases to publications, discover the many ways that the monomyth can be applied to your work designing and facilitating online learning experiences with epic heroes in the forefront.